tirsdag den 28. september 2010

Bulimia is raging

"What do you think you're doing? Eating, AGAIN? Lately all you been doing is eating. Eating and crying. Pathetic little fuck. No, you're not allowed to just take one apple. Why!? Are you freaking kidding me? Because it will make you fat for christ sake! Haven't we discussed this a million times? It's up to me to decide wether or not you are allowed to eat. I make the call, not you, no - I do! And you've already been eating like a pig today and you haven't even bothered to throw up. What that supposed to be? Are you really that lazy that you prefer to have all that disgusting food swimming round in your enormous stomach, than just to get rid of it. I know you feel proud for fighting against me, but let's face it honey - you're too weak to make it without me. You think you'll do so great without me, but the truth is that you are N-O-T-H-I-N-G without me. You're just a fat girl, who can't do anything right. You're so fucking lazy, weak and pathetic, that it makes me want to cry. But baby, the difference between you and me, is while you would be sobbing like a baby, I won't.
You know what to do. You know how to be perfect. Then why the fuck aren't you doing it? Why aren't you restricting, when I've told you hundreds of times that, that's the way to go. Stop eating for fuck sake, how hard can it be? Don't you want to be skinny, to be pretty? Everybody knows that you can't achieve your goals without doing something for it.
Go fight. You know I'm only saying this to help you. I'm doing you a favor, I'm making you pretty."

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